
The Poppy

I sit and watch the world go by
Drinking in the essence of life
A simple bench provides the perfect vantage
Gazing down on the ocean
I soak in the pure cyan bliss
Hearing her gentle call, as wave after wave breaks on the shoreline
White tips riding in on rolling waters
The never ending dance of the sea
Sometimes a peaceful ripple, sometimes a raging torrent
But always there, providing a constant backdrop to daily life
When the call of the sea touches you
It changes you
It moulds your very existence and grips you forever more
You\'re entranced
Won over by its steady beat
Drawn in by its power
As I sit and gaze into the abyss
Drinking in the salty freshness
Marvelling at the never ending skyline
I suddenly see her!
An undiscovered jewel amidst a sea of green
A delicate red poppy waving her head proudly towards the sun
As precious as an expensive ruby
She gently blows in the wind
The undulating curves of the dunes nestled behind her
The fragility of her petals reflecting the very essence of life
Its fleetingness
Its uncertainty
Its constant ebb and flow
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
But for today, do what makes you happy
Dance like no-one\'s watching
Sing like no-one\'s listening
Laugh, love, have fun
Feel the sun on your face
The wind in your hair
The sand beneath your toes
Revel in the simple pleasures
For these are what give us meaning
These are what fill our cups with joy
Mother Nature\'s gifts are always on offer
When we take the time to look, we are always rewarded
The smallest details can give the biggest pleasures
Let\'s not take a single moment for granted
Let\'s all behave more like the poppy
Stand tall, look above the ordinary and shine our radiance out into the world.