D.P. Bardó

Spark in Desolation

“ I see darkness.” Said the painter gazing upon the canvas, stark and devoid of hue, till a spark within ignites strokes of seas and oceans blue.

Darkness like a fetus in a mother’s womb.

Like a school of young trying to find their way back home.

And cherub, sunny cheeks giving way to the gaunt face of adult responsibility

Darkness like the galaxy full of stars, unknown entities and obscure oddities.

Or a black hole consuming all of my fears and insecurities..

I See Darkness with my eyes open and closed

Searching for solace in a world I can call my own.

From dusk, emerges a single, solitary light. Making shadows in the darkness, bouncing off the night. 

I See Darkness absorbing sustenance from the faint luminosity and purpose finding existence through the glimmer of hope I still hold inside.