
Parking Spec

I understand why you park your car under a light

To keep it safe and well, all throughout the night


I too feel the same and blessed my house is secure

I like to park my own car right outside my front door


I realise that the road is a public highway, you can choose

Where you park your car, but what about those who lose


The wonderful feeling having your car parked close by

But someone nips in, takes your spec and makes you cry


Now I have to carry all this shopping from down the street

Walking backwards and forwards – it will hurt my feet


My siblings and I were raised in this house since 1952

I campaigned for years to stop it being pulled down too


Only two properties are fully occupied on this side

The opposite of the Grove, loads of people reside


I wonder if you are aware of this following fact

That should keep your car safe, overnight and intact


The street light near back Kelvin Grove you see

Is fully monitored by LCC cameras and a residents (CCTV)


Please don’t be offended by my leaving this note on your car

I don’t want to upset you – no way – not my reason by far


I just politely ask that when choosing your parking spec

That you consider me, and not think I don’t give a heck