Vincent Forberger

And so it goes


Today the clouds of grey where even in my sights…I found the fog was even in my eyes, I found it in my soul…floating, hovering, everywhere, I was confronted and confounded by its depth and reach. Seemingly it was it that it stole my life…it enveloped my existence and for there I go into the unknown. My moments where confounded by a mist, by a fog, by a thing, I could not avoid, I was truly in space, floating I know not where I only could I see the real world from there, but somehow it was lost to me, I felt, I heard, the sounds, I had the connections but all where diminished by a revenant feeling of remorse of death of silence from within my life seen from this vessel called my body. I was so real and yet dulled by this cage of Deprivation. I know not how it began but it happened one day, I happened one month, I happened on year, and it was my life. I wondered, if I was the only one in my universe to tell this fable of my existence…A hum came over me, to find someone afloat out here in here…But then I found a group and I identified finally some one that was and is my connection a solos of connection someone who knew the insanity of incredulous families that crushed my only hope and so it goes the reality that I wasn’t done I have unlikely kindred spirits afloat out here in the drift of silence and discomfort I found in the fog that I wasn’t alone I was contained by solitude was with comfort there was no delusion of reality I would be a drift with friends… and so in the weather I was told…. I am a drift, a soul without a whole and so It goes…