Paul Bell

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Contemplating life after the fall

The hospital gave him only a year

His injuries being that severe

He blamed the king\'s horses and those bloody men

For trying to put him back together again

But they put his head on back to front

What were they thinking, the stupid cunts

He blamed the king, it was all about the wall

He wanted an extension

Ten feet tall

Off with his head

Stupid bloody egg

Determined to bring him down a peg

Well, not this egg with a plan

Humpty clicked onto Amazon

An Ostrich egg was delivered in haste

Duly filled with gunpowder paste

Humpty put the egg on the wall

With a great smiley face hoping the King would call

Well, the King passed by with all his men

He couldn’t believe his eyes

That feckin egg again

Gunners, give that egg the ball

Blow him off that feckin wall

Well, as Humpty’s statement later read.

I was just sitting on my wall when all the king\'s horses and all the king\'s men got blown to smithereens and couldn’t be put back together again. The King\'s head flew by like a ball, his last breath screaming, get off my feckin wall. This was the last time he was ever seen.

The plot had worked, long live the Queen