
Introspections of an insomniac

You said I would be satisfied when all this was over.

But now that the best outcome\'s reached, shit I don\'t feel that closure. 

Maybe someday I will feel that perfect happy hour. 

But now,

The pit of my stomach weighs down with a feeling that\'s so sour. 


When I get something nice it makes me feel like an impostor.

Who just took the opportunities from the people who worked harder.  

From all those other one\'s whose achievements stack like a tower 


Whenever I feel so happy, I find my instinct is to cover.


The human race was built on values of greed and lust for power 

The prehistoric voices in our minds scream loud and louder

My never-ending quest for peace holds me up by my collar 


Whenever I\'m all done with one there\'s a list that goes on longer 


What is the mighty end goal, what is it that we strive for? 

Some abstract idea of success, satisfaction with a glamorous cover. 

What keeps me up at night is that it won\'t ever just be over. 


We\'ll all just be numb from the constant pressure and exposure.