sirlocowicked AKA Bubba


It all happened twenty years ago today,

Who ever did still hasn\'t paid.

It was four different airplanes ðŸ›Ŧ all headed the same way,

All four were hijacked by terrorists on this somber day.

Minutes from departure three were overtaken,

The men onboard had bad intentions and they weren\'t faking.

Two crashed into the world 🌍 trade center within minutes they were gone,

One headed to Richmond Virginia to destroy our Pentagon.

The passengers on the fourth somehow got word,

So they All got together like one big Herd

They fought the terrorists with All they had,

Even knowing the results would probably be bad.

Sad that it takes events like this to bring USA together

Let\'s keep in mind we\'re The same just birds of a different feather ðŸŠķ

No matter what happens let\'s all stay strong,

Who knows this poem could become a song 😊.


Johnny bubba Chavez

Ps: the Pentagon construction started on 9/11/1941??