Tune: Regent Square
(\'Light\'s abode, celestial Salem\')
Galatians 6 v.1-10 parts
Bear burdens of one another
Each sister and each brother
And so the law of Christ fulfil
Love to all, holding no ill
Keeping humble view of oneself
Yet having spiritual wealth
For if one thinks their self something
When truth is they are nothing
They deceive themselves, but here see
Let each prove who thy true be
So rejoicing in self alone
Of skills, gifts, all that [be] their own
For also each one shall bear their
Own burden, while too they share
In bearing burdens of others
Pastoral compassion stirs
Not be weary of well-doing
But to prosper in each thing
As we have opportunity
Let us doers of good be
Sowing to the Spirit, thus reap
Fine produce that will last, keep
Serve especially faith\'s household
True believers in God\'s fold