
What If



What if I told the truth 

Not hid under the lies

Or cover myself with a new mask 

A mask which labels perfection 


What if I untangle all the knots 

The knots which are bound to my past 

Stopped the loud noise

That rings like a siren each time there is a situation 


What if I never take a glance in front of a mirror

And ask myself WHY 

Or be ashamed of what it shows 

What if I grew like a flower

A flower which blossoms on a muddy path 

And not on smooth asphalt


What if I loved myself more 

More than the judgements of the ruthless phonies suffocating my presence

Or what if I faced it all like a queen of swords

Slicing their egos

And stabbing the misogynistic minds 


Or \"WHAT IF\" Its all a rhetorical question.