Hollow Enigma

Gravity and my fault of self destruction

Hey there people of creation
Hope all is well hope you have your warmth from libation
I have the worst good news
I found out the cause of my unending ruse
It’s that place Steinfeld told us about
it’s not my favorite song but is the same painful gout
Rock bottom is a generalization used too much
relative and diluted but true pain to the touch
I will not rant more so help me, please
I have created everything I earned my keys
But I have want I have addiction
Bringing my life to eviction The work I have done
The good times that weighed a ton
Now worthless now slipping
A broken boat that\'s tipping
I cant know how to change
I only can watch my body return mange
I just wish I could think one way
I wish my coherence would just stay
To walk and live only forward
To not rush to hell\'s shoreward
But that’s it the poem is done
Biding my time till the next life sun