
Why I shave my head







……..Because I remember being a monk, through all life’s junk, I remember being a monk. It gives me spunk, the strings of life go ka-plonk when I pull. Before I know it, I’m gone, and here we go again. The ego life tries to dress me up with comes off with every shave, leaves everyone else in a daze, they think I’m smoking purple haze as they gaze at my moonshine at the top of my spine, that’s clean as a dime. Excuse me, but is that your slip showing or your ego…. You should tuck that before you trip and fall, you’ll have people thinking you’re drinking alcohol.


…..I realize there’s no time, don’t ask me how, must be from when I was a monk, when I realized life is full of junk, I just throw it all into my trunk, the nice cars, clothes, expensive shoes, along with the false sense of self, some people have no clues they just pay their dues. Y’all need to sue for your time back, but nope; you can never get back something that don’t exist, because we come back again, again and again, it can make your head spin, that’s why I shave my head cause I’m a monk who knows to throw life’s junk in a trunk, that’s how I get my spunk.