
Self-Denial Service

Tune: Heathlands

(\'God of mercy, God of grace\')

Luke 9 v.23-26


Jesus said, If any one

Will come after me, the Son

Let him deny himself, see

And take up his cross daily

And follow me, I the Way

That leads to eternal day


For whosoever will save

His own life, his own way pave

Such shall lose their life, but who

Lose it for Christ\'s sake, they new

In Him shall save it, shall find

That they be with Him aligned


For what is one advantaged

If gain whole world, such misled

For they lose themselves, or be

Cast away, and truth not see

But in Christ true life we may

Find, and His presence alway


For who of Christ be ashamed

Of Him, fear that He be named

And too ashamed of His words

Keeping silent, they not heard

Of such shall Christ ashamed be

When He comes in His glory


Great revealing it shall be

Christ comes in His own glory

And glory of His Father

And holy angels, each star

They surpass in shining bright

Radiant, a glorious sight