
Upon exiting the womb...

23,190 days ago,


Yours truly got hashtagged

as the 2,975,075,410TH

person alive on Earth

according to website




Come November 15, 2022
(a little more than
four months from now -

actually one hundred twenty days
after today July 11, 2022),

the world\'s population

projected to reach eight billion.


The latter date underlined

and iterated above

recognized as World Population Day

according to United Nations
World Population Prospects 2022.


Though prone to espouse Malthusian theory

(the idea that population growth

graphs potentially exponential curve

while the growth of the food supply

or other resources remain linear,

which eventually reduces living standards

to the point of triggering a population die off),

I tend to embrace more optimistic forecasts

encompassing number of people
livingsocial cheek to jowl

upon oblate spheroid
also known as planet earth.


Throughout mein kampf and hard times

(spanning three score plus three years)
the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) prevails.


The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

constitutes a fusion of advances

in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics,

the Internet of Things (IoT),

genetic engineering, quantum computing,

and more applications with microchips

implemented in almost every electronic device

we use today, including smartphones,

gaming consoles, cars and medical equipment.


I feel excluded amidst radical transformations

upending long established paradigms,

and hanker with nostalgic tug in my breast

when civilization linkedin with humankind

reliant upon sweat of their brow efforts

cultivating, harvesting, oiling tired muscles

xing off daily, weekly, monthly... chores
until the morrow beckons hours spent
physically engrossed with labor of love.


No doubt I characterize, fantasize, idealize,

mythologize, romanticize... woebegone time
that only existed within the outer limits
of the twilight zone, where dark shadows
presaged the approach of an alien nation
seeding colonization courtesy

super intelligent species

employing exploitation of innocent naivete

characteristic of yours truly

suitable as key personality,

whereby intergalactic entities jump/kickstart

regime trumpeting other worldly credo

gussied up as faux capitalistic enterprise.

Deft cosmic management utilizes

extra terrestrial workshops
that inculcate transparent

lgbtqia2+ friendly principles

plus reproductive rights

no matter sexual orientation

trends atypically heterosexual

imposing zero tolerance policy instituted
to accommodate divers

creed, ethnicity, gender,

nationality, race, religion, et cetera.

Such far out hypothetical scenario,
whereby once self important Homo sapiens
become plaything of all powerful universe force

able, eager, ready and willing

to mutate into any terrestrial animal or plant
can even shrink down

into bot size unit and embed themselves

inside body electric

of people like you and me

ultimately regulating ability

for us to procreate
eventually relegating humankind

to the dustbin of history.