
No One Should Know

No One Should Know (Tom Entrican)


In this tiny vault that I call my mind

I’ve hidden such thoughts no one should find

The fun and the horror all stirred in the mix

Complete utter chaos the wisest can’t fix


Don’t try to invade it you will not survive

These things are to ghoulish for your naked eye

If you should endeavor to find your way there

The sheer sight of madness would cause you despair


My thoughts so corrosive, I would not advise

To seek out these thoughts is quite unwise

Should I ever fall and my skull it should split

My escaping thoughts may cause your heart to quit


Do not ever try to look deep in my eyes

You will only see putrid things covered with flies

These ideas that I have cause the cobra to coil

Just one little peek would make your blood boil


Should you still insist to see what is inside

First make sure your children have run off to hide

Take hold of the horrible things that I write

And enjoy all the nightmares that you’ll have tonight