Bella Shepard

Ode to My Brain



Just three pounds of gelatinous goo

But oh what those three pounds can do

I walk and talk because of you

Conscious thought that’s right on cue


I plan and execute each day

You’re there to help me find my way

You help me keep the hounds at bay

As I bravely enter the fractious fray


You organize as I lay asleep

And with your broom you gently sweep

The debris I do not need to keep

The sadness that can make me weep 


And when I learn something new

You store it in that special queue

Of information tried and true

That I may purposefully pursue


To speak my mind with confidence

Relying on your providence

The words of such preponderance

That flow into my consciousness


But now because of how I’ve struggled

The world I know seems sadly muddled

And my thoughts grow more and more befuddled

So here inside of you I’ve huddled


I creep into your quietude

The refuge of sweet solitude

A shelter from the multitude

That I may adjust my attitude


This respite serves from time to time

To help adjust my fevered mind

To heal the wounds I left behind

To which I now can be resigned


And if at times advice I seek

A friendly voice to me will speak

It’s not that this old mind is weak

It’s just a little tongue in cheek