
Fiction Spun Truth

How many of our memories are unfettered 

With authenticity, and how many have become

Distorted by time, suppressed and rewritten? 


To speak truth is a liberating ordeal, but what if 

One can no longer remember their truth? Or, out 

Of self-preservation, have erased it completely? 


Our stories are dynamic and ever-changing, as we

Ourselves, change with them, morphing into entities

Far different than when we first entered the world. 


We write history through the lens of unfaltering 

Honesty, yet the vicars still win in the end, a 

Fantastical tale held together by ink and paper. 


We cling to lies and all their false comforts, because

They offer us absolution, a gentle end to a painful

Chapter that would have otherwise destroyed us. 


We choose fiction unknowingly, never understanding 

The truth we keep hidden in our hearts, the desires 

And dreams we deny, that we starve into oblivion.