Berto V

Where can I find you?

Can I find you in the space between my eyes and the petals as I softly admire

Can I find you in the last drop of rain after a monsoon, perfectly refracted by the sun

Can I find you in the bright yellow blanket of warmth on my skin before the shade of the cloud?

Can I find you in the music that transcends me when my eyelids kiss?

Can I find you when I meet my lovers gaze and see in their heart that they do love me?

Can I find you when I’m feeling the most like myself happy to be me ?

Can I find you in the tunnel of the wave as my hand glides along the surface of the water?

Can I find you in that moment I summit the mountain I thought I’d never reach?

Can I find you in the waters of my soul when it’s quiet, steady, and I know it will be ok?

Maybe I can find you anywhere if I look