Sexy The Sexiest
\'rvacka poezija
koka i kolinda
nema zoki kokaina
al\' kolinda ima sina
ma i ja kad popizdim
lukica mi sin
glasaj za me
tesla sam bez mane
ali mana pada s\' neba
nista vise nam ne treba
braca picajzli
(intercourse with the horse)
bora corba
puna torba
nema zime
brat mu brego
konja jebo
u planini
ljeti, zimi
jedan drugom guzicu
mjerili na licu
pa na kraju
jeba jeba jeba
jebati nam treba
jeba jeba jeba
jebali bi mi
(braca picajzli)
parni nevaljalci
huso se usro
aki ga kaki
arsen je kreten
ne voli te vishe, gabi
prstek mu u shupak zabi
ali pejzazi u magli
livada mladosti nase
tu gdje smo lezali nagi
i pili iz iste case
reci ce istinu, mila
sad kad si ptica bez krila
pamtim te kakva si bila
ne voli te vise, gabi
prstek mu u supak zabi
shalji, brale, dalje
od uha do uva
ova drzava je
ista stara kurva
druze klinte
mi ti se kunemo
da bez kinte
nikud ne krenemo
nafchil si nas nofce pravit\'
mymoone svadjat\' pa slavit\'
on the top floor of the bus
with the freedom pass
i would spend some more
if i see a better whore
but this isn\'t very likely
klinte hvala tvojoj majki
u bechu se dala smechu
pa smo drzavu dobili vechu
ja chu sad u tvoju slavu
osnovati slaviju
mymoonima nochna mora
pomazhe me mochni bora
pero vrtlar
haljina joj kratka iznad koljena
alaj nam je slatka tvoja voljena
u glupavoj skoli nam je prijala
pjer ju strashno voli pa se smijala:
pushi, psina
to mu je sudbina
marmont ga guzio
pa pofrancuzio
zappa\'s klapa
only brecelj
is better than frank zappa
slamnig, metcalfe and bele
are miserable klapa
and i wouldn’t mention pjer zardin
cause he belongs to the bin
svakoj svinji
je mjesto na bini
ako ta budala
zna sta je gitara
kolinda je ajnshtajn
a nikola shvajn
sva muda svijeta
(i sesveta)
juda nudi muda
svijeta i sesveta
a cura mu odgovara:
ne zovi me u svitanje
kasnije se budi grad
ne zovi me u svitanje
selo tvoje nemam rad
a nemam ni volje
ustati u zoru
pa poci u polje
opakom stvoru
dodji ti u grad
dupe meni lizat
iz kreveta sad
ne da mi se dizat
dupe lizi kurvo stara
dok ne nadjes kavijara
Jebi Macku Svoju
Cigane u Boju
Sa Bogom I Ljudima
Kandza te sad Ubija
jebe tomo peseka
a juda na machka drka
kazhesh li mu da je peder
poskochiche kao feder
zato mu je machak mushki
nachulio ushi
neche ni on da se zna
da su to dva pedera
poskochiche obadva
ako pridje blizhe ozna
ili neka jadna koza
sumnjichava oko “mozhda”
ali krava nema mozga
bolan slusha kurca moga
zvuchi k’o harmonika
ne zanima njega pichka
cvrchi cvrchi cvrchak
na chvoru crne smrche
zrachechi zrachke kroz zrak
u zboru smradne zvechke
a cura mu jebe
i mene i tebe
i sve ljepshe dechke
cigan ima plan
nesh’ ga znati vishe
“stublich” ti na karti pishe
kraljevac sad dishe
zagreb umire, sve tishe
cigani ga ubishe
zvjezdica si bila
pjesmica te ubila
nechesh ni ti dugo
narkomanska tugo
(killing moon, breaking glass, robocop malfunction)
i know how to stop
cigan\'s writer\'s block
with the simple song
that he can simply moan
it is a perfect choice
for the long lost voice
\"i would like to grope
borna chop
his accordion
makes me moan\"
sve sam sise posisao
pogodjen je
pa ide dalje
on treba ralje
ta srebrena majchica
svrshila na meni
pa su mi pod jajcima
seljachki kreteni
svi bi oni da mi pushe
gradovi se rushe
pa pjevaju iz dna dushe:
“dojdi nama
nema srama
pushiche ti moja mama
a mozda i ivana
pizda joj je sivana
ja chu gusku
junachku i rusku
nisam juda
nemam muda
ja sam jura
kurac mi se gura
u guzicu vlastitu
jeb\'o bi i prasicu
al\' sam tako prljav
da prasica neche
kurac mi k\'o mrav
marljiv al\' bez sreche”
a ja kazhem
ne chu da ga lazhem:
\"ne brini se, budalice
sve sam sise posisao
zrachechi zrachke kroz zvechku
na chvoru chrne shmrche
i don’t lie
i don’t lie
i don’t lie
claptomaniac si jadan
priglupav i balav
ne znash shta je grammar\"
samo sranja sanja
sve sam sise posisao
zrachechi zrachke kroz zvechka
samo sranja sanja
shpapuche svom dechku:
“srcheko moje, piko
jedina moja diko
veruj me, dusho
u dupe bih ti usho”
preveo se sam
zhedan preko vode
je li noch il’ dan?
kurvetina ode
sad se goje
jebu baku
i sanjaju boje
u debelom mraku:
“shupak ches da lizhesh
kurvetino stara
dok ne nadjesh
it is a small step
from chvarak to chmarak
since they drilled that
goni se djoni
ravno do dna
dosadna podrtina
nula nula sedam
hej mali kako
karati je tebe
sve mene nesto
me po kurcu grebe
nula nula sedam
u dupetu ti gledam
cijeli zivot sanjam
u govnima da se valjam
a krava mi dupe lize
dreka cheka, sve je blize
bradata je dama
pe je zovu slama
kad prdi u kadi
ona kao radi
bice nove knjige
kad se kurac digne
to ide polako
jos se nije mako
crven ban odjeban
(oliver moliver)
ja\'b te jebo jope jope
al\' ti vise neces
jer sad ides momku mladom
s kojim gradom seces
sta li sve to tebi treba
kad si htjela ja s\' te jeba
ja b\' te jebo jope jope
al ti vise neces
punk pussy
reci meni reci mala
kako si ju prije zvala
kad se tako cudom cudis
ko da ne znas sta to nudis
zasto ja da biram rijeci
kad se meni neda leci
tako sam te brzo strzo
kao coban pivce mrzlo
ako joj to ime smeta
neka ide pa se sheta
podji i ti skupa s njom
neka vas pocheshlja grom
ivana ivana
pizda ti je sivana
jebe nam se jebe
al\' necemo tebe
po noci bi ines
a po danu danu
spopada te bijes
pa napadni hranu
svako kuche oche
samo piko stanchich
sape nema vishe
stihovi mu kratki
al\' josh uvek dishe
mlinac ovaj slatki
new squareheads
milic mirko
kurca dirko
a kad mu je pao
on ga nacrtao
mali milan
sav zajeban
skolske klupe
lize dupe
satan panonski
reze se on reze
a ljudi ne bjeze
svi strpljivo cekaju
da muziku cuju
al\' to nije lako
ne moze bas svako
kralj chachka
kralj chachka
jebo machka
machak umro
a kralj potonuo
sve do dna
dosadna podrtina
krlekljuse till eulenspigel
ubicu se, kaze kljuse
al\' sad nemam vremena
ubicu se, kaze kljuse
kad se rijesim remena
ubicu se, kaze kljuse
barem jednom tjedno
ubicu se, kaze kljuse
al\' mu je svejedno
ubicu se, kaze kljuse
uzdajuc se u se
nigdar ne bu bilo
ali mu se snilo
why don\'t i die?
die die daj
daj mi mrijeti
(all the poems
hereby published
are works of fiction
similarity with reality
is coincidental
and compromised
by lysergide
sexy the sexiest
is certified virgin
going to mars
with richard branson
in tubular bells)
Two Shits with One Bird
Justin Timberlake should be the next James Bond
And they should kill each other in the movie
One bird should kill them both
JAMes Bond
Cooked with a lot of sugar
Till vitamin\'s were gone
Mr berretta
size doesn\'t metta
cause girls around him
are mkultra
One of them
Should kill them both
JUStin and JAMes
cause TImberlake\'s \"juice\"
is wank
while JAMes\'s jam
is clogging their arteries
One bird
should kill them both
Two shits with One bird
Bowie on the Heat
Ricky Gervais was running after me
on Hampsted Heat
and shouting:
\"You are not Bowie!
I am Bowie!
Bowie told me that I am Bowie!\"
so I had to reply with:
\"Ok, Bowie
Leave me alone, Bowie\"
I had to throw in
this nonsensical \"Bowie\" addendum
cause he wouldn\'t get off me otherwise
but Palin-Picigin
who travelled around the world
with BBC
just for the chance
to \"by the way\"
land in his beloved Split
and declare that it is
heaven on Earth
was back in Hampstead by then
so he paid some students
to start throwing balloons filled with water
on Gervais (related to Drago Gervais)
whenever he was jogging
on the Heat
as Palin-Picigin couldn\'t
compete with Bowie
(not even the fake one)
Ricky has been ever since
mostly confined
to his basement gym
blaming me for that
Jeff Dreck
Carlos Santana
destroyed Jeff Dreck\'s life
Dreck wasted his entire life
trying to be
\"white Carlos\"
in vain
instead of finding a band
with the good singer
in which he could have been useful
his owners
eventually punished him
by forcing him
into \"partnership\"
with the wife beater
to make people believe
that wife-beating is
\"rock and roll\"
AI scripted the whole thing
this is why their surnames are similar
to make sure that idiots
in the end
think something like:
\"Dreck, Beck, Depp
which one is the wife beater?
Well, doesn\'t matter
it\'s all rock and roll
something utterly miserable about carlos
remember when he plays on michael\'s album \"invincible\"
he says \"thank you, man\" at the end
as if mike called him for charitable purposes
to help the ageing and slightly forgotten legend
mike rightfully answers with \"thank you, carlos\"
because his playing was really good and appropriate for the song
he didn\'t call him to do him a favour
to help him make the money
he called him cause he needed him
this beggarly \"thank you, man\" was stupidity indeed
now i have the privilege to witness composing of the new santana song
but his beggarly mentality will be an obstacle to our communication
when i load my plate with the amount of food
that \"crazy\" egocentric greedy neurotic self-obsessed stars normally use
carlos doesn\'t understand that this is the way we, true superstars, eat:
always in extremes
he thinks that i am some pig
taking advantage of his hospitality
oh, no, carlos, i didn\'t think about it
this is the amount of food that i machinally always put on my plate
nothing offending really
i know it is too much
but i always eat too much
and then i have to starve myself to get back to normal weight
i am sure that even the super-thin jagger does the same
that\'s the way of the superstars
i remember jagger saying
during the press conference
that his only problem with food is overeating
(when the journalist asked him why is he so thin)
people laughed when he said so
but it was probably true
just like me
he is probably pigging out and then starving to de-bloat
well, i never saw him bloated
i have to admit that
he is now thinner than the bowie knife
jagger is really the monster of libido
he\'ll stay slim and randy till he dies
no doubt about it
but let me get my mind back to what\'s going on with me and carlos here
i have enjoyed the chance to see him in action
composing the new song
i like the song
i like his playing
but he is now suppressing the anger
because i have apparently put all of the food on my plate
there is nothing left for him and this girl
he is a bit of fashistoid monster to tell you the truth
i know it sounds crazy but it is true
his mentality is slightly fashistoid
it\'s hard to notice that on the surface
but i am one of those who hardly pay any attention to the surface ever
and i can tell you how it is deeper inside:
this fashistoid monster might even ask me to hand over the plate and leave
Roger Waters Without Muddy Waters in Bayswater
someone booked him a room in the hotel which doesn\'t look expensive
but it is in bayswater
so it could be expensive
roger waters previously
offered him some food
during some event
and when sexy ate it up
he took the cakes from the trolley as well
without being offered
waters then ironically asked him if he wanted anything more
sexy didn\'t understand irony
so he said:
waters then gave him a glass of water
sexy then stood up
and sang to the entire hall:
“when roger waters
gave me water
it wasn’t muddy!”
sure enough waters later
appears in sexy’s hotel
wearing the yellow woollen pullover
and being friendly again
but when sexy wants to make a video
of himself singing the song
mentioned above
with waters in the background
waters escape down the stairs
with two young girls
which makes sexy very angry
so he decides to shout after him
“are they older than 16?!!!”
but then he realised
that they could be his daughters
or nieces
or something
in which case no one could scold him
for being with them
so he changes the plan
he runs down the stairs
gets out of the hotel
and shouts:
“waters! jews are after me!”:
just trying to stir some shit
\"order out of chaos\" tactic
he is at the moment
not particularly satisfied
with things as they are
any commotion might help him
get it right in the end
but the owner of the hotel
is an ugly and nasty jewish woman
and when sexy turns around
and wants to walk up to his room again
she tries to prevent him from doing so
standing in his way
and shouting
“no, no, no…minimum price here
is £350 per night”
she is probably lying
as revenge for what he said to waters
cause her hotel doesn\'t look expensive
and sexy doesn\'t look cheap
she probably raised the price ad hoc
to discourage him from returning
and she pretends that he looks
as if he is poor
which makes sexy want to sing:
\"mummy come back
water’s all gone
gone gone
water’s all gone\"
but he has no time for that
he has to literary push his way up to his room
past the jewish woman
who owns the hotel
and only after he is already walking up the stairs
with the nasty woman behind him
he shouts back at her:
“i am already a guest here
my things are up there
in the room on the top floor”
he didn’t bother to tell her that before
cause he was quite sure that she knew that
and she merely tried to lock him out
and steal his things
when she heard him shouting to roger waters:
“jews are after me”
well, self-fulfilled prophecy
dirty woman tried to steal his things afterwards
so he gets into his room
locks the door from the inside
and looks around
could be £350 per night
though the hotel is a mess
room is quite big
and so is the fridge
the window is also big
and it is in bayswater
close to kensington palace
maybe she wasn’t lying
then he notices that roger waters
took off his yellow woollen pullover
before he fled down the stairs
(which are cramped with all kinds of plants
it is another proof that the owner
is one nasty woman
who didn’t think about the guests
who must walk up
with the suitcases and bags
and no concierge)
so he decides
to shoot the video
with the song
“when roger waters
gave me some water
it wasn\'t muddy”
while standing over his yellow woollen pullover
but prior to that
he spills the entire bottle of olive oil
onto the pullover
perhaps as the proof
that jews are after him
after both of them
Mountain Slopes
Sexy wakes up in the back seat of the car
dangerously swerving down the mountain
and he shouts:
\"Slow down!
You gonna kill us all\"
but his friend says:
\"We met David Gilmour last night
Don\'t you remember?
He is driving now.\"
nairobi williams
he thinks i didn\'t see
he\'s always drinking beer
in the champagne glass
nairobi williams
global king of chavs
and he says:
tres bon
tres bon
very warm
then he sings:
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i love only mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i love only mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i love only mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i only love mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i only love mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i love only mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
my name is robbie
food and girls are hobbies
i fuck food i eat girls
when i\'m drunk i don\'t fuck
everybody loves me
i love only mammy
mine and yours
they fuck dogs
my name is robbie
now raise your glass
it\'s time to see
nairobi williams
the superstar
sits on the bar
and goes too far
alles klar
he doesn\'t stop
until he gropes
all cats and dogs
thanks to the fog
they never see him
they miss his grin
grin and tonic
does the trick
he is meek
he\'ll inherit
whole lotta shit
lives next to jimmy
page, can you see me?
i am the fat guy
don\'t ask me why
Iggy Poop
Whenever he
Takes a shower
He can\'t sing
Like Iggy Poop
the quiz
the ghost of luciano pavarotti
wins the pub quiz in london
by answering all questions with
me me me
whilst riding the monocycle
and eating the bowl
of spaghetti
Lady Madonna
She lost the script
She lost the money
But Rusell Crowe
Doesn\'t even know
He was supposed to be
In that movie
Lady Madonna
She really wanna
Be movie star
She\'s always moving
wait for robert
robert smith in the small car
cannot go too far
cannot turn the wheel
bring him one more meal
The Cake and Piano too
sexy is taking his clothes off
in the swimming pool locker room
and thinking
maybe he should start eating in the restaurant after the swim
instead of just having a sandwich and coffee as usually
there is a restaurant just across the road
quite good
not very expensive
then he realises that this time
he brought a giant chocolate cake with him
family size
6 portions
all for himself
which means that he will eat even worse
than just a sandwich and coffee
exactly when he started thinking
about maybe eating a proper meal in the restaurant
after every swim
as it is healthier and more fun
than just a sandwich and coffee
it would also give him the motivation
to swim more often
as he’d be looking forward
swim and sauna and restaurant
three good reasons (instead of just two) to get out of the bed
but this time he’ll just stuff himself with carbs
after the swim
won’t even have the sandwich
cause this chocolate cake is so enormous
that no one could eat a sandwich before or after that
and sexy is too stingy to just throw away part of the cake
became stingy overnight
on cote d’ azur
woke up one morning
and his wallet looked slimmer than usually
phoned the lawyer who was supposed to be
letting out his real estates in another country
but the crook wasn’t even available for the chat
only his secretary was
as quite a few times before
at which point sexy understood
that thief is trying to steal those properties
while sexy is far away
rather than let them out
fraudster was taking advantage of the fact
that the war broke up there
and sexy couldn’t return
without risking draft
just like in the movie
which is really about sexy
people like trenc and spielberg and cohen
always find something that reminds them of sexy
like the ghost of the captain in “the ghost and ms muir”
or captain red in “pirates”
or frank abagnale (\"catch me if you can\")
or mehran nasseri (\"terminal\")
or muammar gaddafi (“dictator”)
or andreas kronthaler (\"bruno\")
then they make a movie about sexy
while pretending that it is about “someone else”
and moreover
on another level
they even pretend that sexy is someone else
very different from what he really is
this is why such guys are “pillars of the society”
their spinning (and spiel-bering) abilities are paranormal
sexy’s train of thought is then interrupted
by a chinese guy in the swimming pool
who suddenly offers to eat half of the cake
sexy is surprised
but not very much
sun tzu
chinese guys are taught-readers
and their iq’s
are highest on earth
alongside japanese, korean, and belorussian
(though you won’t find accurate info
about belorussian iq’s
on the internet any more
it was censored
when the war in ukraine started)
sexy is surprised and confused
sufficiently to blurt out
though he doesn’t really want to
give half of the cake
to an unknown person
in the swimming pool locker room
as he is stingy
since the previously described morning
in the south of france
luckily he remembers
that he has only one plastic spoon
so he says to the chinese guy
that “unfortunately” he can’t share the cake with him
because of that
but the chinese man is adamant
and even becomes a bit aggressive
he says:
“i can eat first
then i’ll wash the spoon
and you can eat with the freshly washed one
your half of the cake
you can even wash it yourself
if you want to be sure
that it is washed well
isn’t that what you say
to chinese girls
who are reluctant
about licking your rectum?”
sexy is now truly surprised
this guy is more than just a thought-reader
he has the real inside info
but he is also offended
by this indiscretion
so he says:
“my penis is desensitised
since the bike accident in copenhagen
which wasn’t really accident
extraterrestrials scripted and conducted it
i know that for sure
cause similar thing happened
to michael hutchence in copenhagen
after which he lost the sense of smell and taste
so he didn’t enjoy licking pussy very much anymore
while my penis was partly disabled
and quite desensitised
during that traffic accident in copehagen
this is why i am mostly asking girls
to lick my nipples and rectum
but i have no preference for chinese ones
nationality and race
are irrelevant to me”
he is walking away
taking his cake with him
while saying so
but chinese guy now becomes even more arrogant
he walks after sexy
and shouts:
“you should never touch chinese girls!”
sexy replies:
“didn’t i just explain
that i never touch them
i just ask them to lick my
nipples and rectum
but i don’t care if they are chinese
or english
or whatever else
this matters not to me
the one that is touching chinese girls
is DRK
boogy buggery man
you can find him at public piano
across the road
maybe he will give you some cake
if he has any
which i doubt
but it is worth trying
cause you won’t get it from me
i have now defo decided
to eat my cake without you\"
chinese guy then starts screaming
at the top of his voice:
\"DRK was not touching chinese girl
he only touched the flag!\"
sexy replies:
\"there are different versions of that
totally scripted event
some say that he touched the flag
others say he touched the girl
and those are more reliable sources
cause DRK is a blatant liar
in one of his videos you can see him
deliberately dropping on the ground
when one little girl tried to play the piano
then he accuses her of pushing him
even threatens her with a security guard
though it is clearly visible in the video
that this 5-year-old girl
didn’t touch him at all
i shall therefore repeat:
DRK is touching chinese girls
i don’t\"
“chinese guy” then angrily takes off his mask
and it transpires that it is DRK himself
sexy is now defo surprised, and he asks:
\"what are you doing here, DRK?
don’t you have your own swimming pool?\"
DRK shouts:
\"i have it, but i wanted to swim in the same water in which you swim
just like everyone in london wants to steal your cans of beans, tuna, ham, and peas
though you have cameras all over the apartment
vietnamese-style traps
and you even smeared poison on some of those cans
which means that it would be safer to steal in the supermarket
but people want your cans so badly
cause you have touched them
this is why i want to swim here
though i have my own swimming pool
i have got the swimming pool only thanks to you
i was always browbeaten hearing you say
\'i have to go now\' (away from the public piano)
\'as i booked the swimming session\' (those state-owned pools and saunas must be pre-booked since lockdown)
and my masters gave me a swimming pool because of that
as everything around this public piano is rigged against you, rigged for me
so they wanted to be sure not only that i had more views on youtube
but also that you can never say anything that would make me depressed\"
sexy turns around
sticks the whole freaking chocolate cake onto DRK’s face
runs across the street
and start playing the public piano
being sure that DRK will need at least half an hour
to wash that giant cake off his face
before he starts bothering people at the piano again
as he does
every day
if you want more
check this: