
Cutting Up

It\'s a \'pet horror\' for me

Hearing stores of \'cutting up\'

Though I can understand why people do it


Some emotional pain, taken out on oneself

Out with the razor or knife, or whatever

Finding a release

A \'letting off of steam\' as a pressure cooker

It shakes me inside to read it

An emotional shuddering


Heard one tale of one who sliced to the bone

But since passed away, unrelated to this

RIP, troubled soul


It\'s not for genteel people to know every detail

It\'s too much for them

It could unbalance their delicate mind


Yet hoping, praying

Such cutters-up find healing and peace

Of body, and of soul and spirit

An acceptance and love of self

Being \'good enough\'

Or \'as good as anybody else\'

Not meaning, go on ego trips though

Of selfishness and greed


A person or pet, or both as a companion

Can really help

A belief and faith can come to help most of all

In my view


Don\'t do it - think about the outcome if you do it ......

In one sense, don\'t even think about it