
These meats is killing me







…..it’s so much in our meat these days, it leaves you in a daze, is this another depopulation faze, they need to show just a lil bit of hesitation, a Lil contemplation. We got to start paying homage to the Amish, at least their meats and byproducts is free of uncle sam’s chemical carnage; darn it.


….Are maybe we need to get hooked and take a page out their book and build our homes around farmland, then we could go ham; goat, chicken and damn the preservatives because it will be right there, instead of waaay over there. Nothing would have to be trucked in, we’d cut down on the pollution and confusion, we could stop using all these Sodium nitrites, Sorbic acids and Phenoxyethanols, wouldn’t need them at all, man I’d have a ball; cause I wouldn’t have to go vegan and I can stay with the shake and bake and steak, that real lean protein instead those nasty shakes.


…..Most Americans don’t even know how real food taste, it’s a waste, we just pull up to some fast food place, it’s a disgrace. We keep eating this crap the human race will be gone without a trace.