
Saint Swithin

Arrgghhh! St Swithin

You cad, you bounder, you......


Steady on, Orchi, says Fido

Why all this outburst?


Well, if it rains on his day today (15th July)

It may rain for 40 days after

We\'ve had it if it does!!


But, says Fido, no worries

You don\'t believe in superstitions anyway, Orchi

So it won\'t affect you


Phew, good job you remined me of that, Fido

And I really must not stay in all day

When it\'s a Friday the 13th

Not that I do

Cos Fido always needs his daily walk


We need the rain though

Erm, just some - not 40 days of it

Just some of the \'soft refreshing rain\'

As a Harvest hymn says

(We plough the fields and scatter)

In the time of Noah\'s Ark it rained for a year - argghhh!


Doh! I got it wrong

Fido was driving the tractor one year

Another talent of his

But I scattered them seeds first

Then ploughed them all up

Mucked up the whole thing!


Some mad musings here

Come meet Fido one day

He\'s imaginary though! lol.