
It’s Homeless Man!





….Look! In the dumpster.  In a cardboard box on top of the subway vent; it’s Homeless man!!



……The power of My halitosis keep suckers and chumps out my face, I give chase to torture they ass, drink out they glass, next time they better drink up fast before I grab hold of their flask; make them give up that cash, just to keep me away, because I also don’t wash my ass. I walk through a crowd of suits with a cup in my hand, they don’t come up, they just throw balled up dollars yelling out Jordan, so they don’t got to get a whiff of my funky ass. I sleep in the trash, who gives a fuck about a god damn rash. I take smashes anywhere, and wipe my ass with just a scoop of my hand. I got the power of guilt, make suckers give up their last damn dime, and then I make it to the liquor store, to get two bottles of the source of my powers, which I devour in less then an hour.