
One Won\'t Hurt

\"Why aren\'t you drinking\"

they asked

As I sipped a soft drink

at the bar


Choruses of:

\"You\'re boring\"

\"Come on, don\'t let me drink alone!\"

\"One won\'t hurt\"

echo against the glassware


My people pleasing attitude wants to help the people around me feel more comfortable

...at a big cost to myself.


So I order one

and then another

and suddenly I am alone;

the last person at the bar


One won\'t hurt.


I\'ve overslept.

I\'ve not eaten breakfast.

I\'m at work,

nursing a headache from hell.


One won\'t hurt that much.


I put off my workout plan until tomorrow.

I decide to buy takeaway instead of cooking with the vegetables I bought the day before.


I sit there numb.

Because with alcohol I am a shell

 - barely functioning.

But still, I am functioning.


One won\'t hurt.

Until that one turns into another

and the lines of my healthy boundaries are so blurred that it doesn\'t even seem to matter anymore.


So the next time someone asks me

if I would like a drink

I hope I have the strength to put

myself first

and politely say

