
What could be or not be

To judge, or not to judge, that is the decision:

Is it better to suffer deemed injustice in quietude,

Or to strike out against perceived offense?

And by doing so, do we assume omniscience to the motives of others,

Believing we know their minds and feel their hearts,

That our tears hold more salt than theirs,

That we can see both ends of the never ending causal chain of events,

Believing they should understand us, better than we understand them,

And that they should hold true what we have been taught and believe,

Making us a blind, deaf slave of our own culture, or species?

And should we error in our judgement,

What act can take away the guilt and disgrace that follows?

By opposing those that do not agree with us, do we feel redeemed,

Normalized and sanctified in our own actions,

That we are above them, that God is on our side?

Will this ease our pain and rectify the past,

Take away the sting of scurrilous words,

Give us back lost goods, return our honor,

Will it bring back the dead from the graveyards,

Bound by the chains of hate, anger and vengeance,

Trapped in the quagmire of the past, anchored by our sinking values?

Will following the cry\'s of the mass\' free us and cleanse our hands?

Or is it better to stand alone against the winds of hell

And let the rages of the storm\'s debris wash over us?

In man\'s blindness of ignorance and the deafness of arrogance,

The answer is lost in the dark of the tempest and howling of the gale