
Time has come...

I want to say goodbye but don\'t know how,

to see the clouds as they allow

The darkness rears its ugly head,
I start to sleep for last its bed…

A smile comes across my face,
tis time to finish-up this race

My thoughts are clear and bright,
unfolding as i write

May pain be gone forever,
the unknown seems light as a feather

Time fades and I close my eyes,
preparing to face with kind deny

Care less, care more, for what\'s in store,
I gaze upon the others clearly with missing druthers

Peace seems so unreal, times come for me to kneel,
it goes without a hitch, here they don\'t say life\'s a bitch....

In solemn moments we deny, the gracious truth we can rely,
yesterday happened and went, we no longer need to repent

Goodbye for now I\'ll see you soon, time abounds but doesn\'t move,
I\'m happy here so you should know, we both knew i had to go...