Job Welime

Your smile

My dream poem would be to write about your smile,
How your lips travel, to form a smile that implants a smile in my face too,
How the whole room lits up just to receive your smile,
I want to write how pictures couldn\'t ever posses the ability to tell the story of your smile,
I want to write of the way your smile made me loose myself for a second and found myself yours in the next minute,
I want to write of how your smile turns me into poetry even when I\'m just a word,
Your smile is a battle worth fighting for,a storm worth waiting it out,
Your smile pulls me with a force against which I\'m powerless,
Your smile is the only moon I could loose my stars to,
I want to write of a smile so beautiful it can only be preserved by love,
A smile that even when am not writing about it,all my words find their way there,like it\'s always their home.