
Autodidact in love with words

Zealousness prevails to amass knowledge

lifequest nsync toward expansive lexicon

extant since yours truly kneehigh toddler

inquisitive mind fired passion to steep me

within inexhaustible voluminous treasure

trove housing increasing bound knowledge

inexplicable to thyself, wherefore heartfelt

ineradicable passion to sequester attention
between newpages of selective genres for
hours experiencing intellectual ecstatic née

orgasmic excitation sustains purposefulness

as explains escapist redoubt within mental

framework, thee singularly soulful asylum

offering me cerebral satiation, sedation, and
solution to cope with unbearable millstone

linkedin with emotional/psychological pain

wrought courtesy neurological mutation all
throughout tender years, when one doth seek

natural predilections in tandem toward naked

lunch (heady salad days lettuce not go there),

quite the contrary this socially malnourished
individual burrowed within reading material

even now tickles fancy of mine johnny come
lately body electric exploring, crafting, and

allowing milieu writing to pacify, gratify and

codify mindset never entertaining delusions

of grandeur hypothetically envisioning to

discover friendship (even platonic) regard-
ding another, who exudes similar love with

words, though accepting fickle human nature

at most hope flickr of ephemeral pinterest

maintains attention of anonymous reader

rabbit nibbles morsel of recondite tidbit, and

synchronizing ever so briefly with logophile,

whose aura, charisma, dogma, karma, persona...

hoopfully nets/ brings even ad hoc “FAKE” smile


courtesy buzzfeeding lapsed adulterer,
whose prickly propensities
no longer promulgated –
illicit flagrante delicto behaviour condemned

nearly plunging papa into divorce court.