Lost melodiez

I think I love him

He is the beautiful mistake I will make a million times before I learn my lesson

I feel him in my heartbeat I feel him when I walk 

My heart cannot take this feeling

He is special in my heart

I can’t understand if this is real 

But whenever i leave his side all i think of is him 

My tears are heavy maybe heart-shaped

He is a halo to my heart 

His voice is a harp gently strumming 

His arms holding me are like angel wings

Others can’t stand a chance against my love for him

And if he leaves I’ll never be the same

The day he leaves is the day I’ll go blind

It will be the day I will give up on my life 

He isn’t just the love of my life 

He is the happiness in my heart

He is my thoughts in my mind

He gives me life 

I really love him