
Give up the tapes






……like in the movies with my gun drawn, give up the tapes, or I’ma give it to you. Don’t be a wise guy, just give up the tapes. Come on man, don’t make me do it to ya. Just give up the tapes. No hate, it ain’t personal; I just want those tapes. I got ways to make you cooperate, you starting to agitate. How bout one in your knee cap, look, hold up, let me screw this silencer on, I’ma make your neighbors mourn , last time; give up the tapes. I got to make a phone call. He doesn’t want to give up the tapes, what should I do? Shoot em in the knee cap, that’s what I threatened to do. Pull his mask down and then threaten to cough in his face and give him your flue, that’s what you should do. What’s that suppose to do. He’ll get scared you’ll give him the COVID and give up the tapes. Hey guy pull your mask down, I’ma cough in your damn face…


…Oh no; anything but that, the tapes is up in my drop ceiling over my drapes.