
Temporal And Timeless

Tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north, rejoice\')

Hebrews 1 v.10-14


Lord, from the beginning

You created each thing

Laid foundations of Earth

Brought every thing to birth

And heavens are works of your hands

Above, below, to farthest lands


They shall perish, but you

Lord e\'er remain, \'tis true

And they shall all wax old

Through life, let it be told

Wear out as a garment does fade

When over time it has decayed


And as a coat you shall

Lord, fold them up, we tell

And they shall be changed, though

You shall remain, we know

For you are the same, and your years

Shall not fail, nor shall disappear


To angels you did not

Say, Sit here, this your lot

Next to me, till I make

Enemies for your sake

Your footstool, but to Christ your Son

You made these promises, each one


For your angels they be

Your messengers, we see

Sent forth to help and serve

Though we do none deserve

They said those who from every race

Are salvation\'s heirs by your grace