
Interpreting mine Poetry

Similar to scrutinizing
an abstract painting,
this author begetting, canvassing
entreating... obscure words dumbfounding

readers (himself included), he eludes
(shading tree fore rest)
clear cut discerning,

yet oft times his woods
garner reviews raving
esoteric word choice,

how mind boggling
to this logophile despite
more than one reading
brow (sir) rendering furrowed -
cognitive region scrunching,
no matter intent concentration
utter futility attempting

bedeviled comprehension, whether
literary master (me? ha...
not yet), among pantheon partying,

but nonetheless birthing

present day profoundly thought provoking,

undoubtedly tirelessly expending
mental energy eventually exhausting
effort in futility understanding,
asper mine stymied
linkedin attention getting
(then just as quickly losing)

registering resignation defeat alluding

to challenge physical prowess daunting

engagement well matched savvy sparring

partner, or possibly life

and death battling

against unwittingly aggressive brutal questing

archenemy, sans toward all living
species wretched nemesis ultimately deciding
mortality tacitly accepted proffering
transient longevity refusing
to compromise, haggle, negotiate,
et cetera casting


deadened demise of victor or villain
all thru civilization starring

as unopposable tour
de force quietly biding
end date, versus indiscriminately snatching
hero, heroine, coward,
et cetera requiring
impossible mission redeeming

ransom while donning

mask of Melpomene

(Tragedy), or trumpeting
Thalia (Comedy), no exit stage door left
only joie de vivre
until last second ticking
unbeknownst unexpected, and uninviting
deathly hallows ringtone alarming

anonymous (oh Henry)
words worth struggling

to hash meaningfulness, viz
finite existence germinating

since birth, yet
terminal realization pressing

with greater frequency when aging,
and deafeningly ear splitting
amplitude bite the bullet clamoring
to tread welcome matt acquiescing
unavoidable phase of dying
devoid of any bargain, but requiring
unconditionally punishingly suffering
silent non binding

resolution, no exemption decrying

unfair contractual obligation, nor unionizing
worth a fig yore of
speech as cosmic arbiter
blithely doth shear - pruning,

grafting without rhyme nor reason meeting

identical fate toward everyone
even posthumous destiny yours truly awaiting,

where soul spirited into the sky

linkedin with cosmic consciousness


humming with universal sound;

\'Om,\' \'Ohm\' or \'Aum\'

according to Hinduism and other religions
chiefly of India,

a sacred syllable considered to be

greatest of all mantras, or sacred formulas

called the seed sound (bija),

the original sound from

which all other sounds and worlds come from,

hence \'Om,\' \'Ohm\' or \'Aum\' represents:

God, Brahman, Source, Universal Consciousness.