
My father’s twin.

I am what I am,I am truly my father’s



I didn’t  speak often of him for many years

I called him Wayne,because it was far


less painful  to just say his first name. I


tried to distance myself from the only


person who ever loved me or cared. I ran  


and I ran,until I couldn’t run anymore.


After what happened to me at sixteen,I

knew I had to face it,I was tired of


wondering and I had a deep desire to


finally know this man. The man who


wanted a daughter,a child to call his own.


He even had my name picked out since


he was a little boy,he named me after his


beloved grandma.My father died when I


was less than ten months old,and he had


just turned twenty-seven years old. I have


no memories of him,it almost makes me


feel cold. I cannot describe it,unless


you’ve felt it on your own.It’s funny


because when you lose a parent you


often wonder about the life you could’ve


had with them.I wonder what it would be


like to see his eyes,the same exact eyes


as mine.Just think I could finally see the


person who has the same mannerisms as

me,I could finally feel complete. Those are just


dreams though and all I have left is a


stack of photos and two videos. I can say


though I am what I am,I am my father’s


twin. I’m proud of it,because I know he


was a kind,loving,fun and generous man.