Vincent Forberger

The Summers Relentless Heat and Persistent Discomfort of All


The heat is brazen the street is soaked with radiation like scorching coals of a grill, but no relief and even the air filled with a wicked conjuring taking breath giving no peace. As the week subsides into the following we can only stand and feel its long awaited temperament and so we go and forge forward, hiding within the cooler places to stand forth and pray for relief. We the world knows its our shame and staggering selfishness that year to year the sun is able to breach our atmosphere and money is at the root of the evil bring forth hell on earth. The bribery continues, bribery by the Hundreds of millions, a kings ransom from the fossil fuel industry by the republicans world wide creating waist lands...destroying our atmosphere for greed alone. I am angered by the wildly rich destroying earth. The days run forth and imperil the living and bring destructibility to those lost without life. The drink is cool and has a sweet taste from the  maker. Music plays and bring a happiness to our feeling of disturbed retched bindings. So take to the water, the shade, and the drink to relieve the burden and embrace relaxation for a better time. The heat is the like a cauldron once a gesture of taste and flavor now a reflection of the dark and demonic traits for our nightmares. As summer comes to a close, we will find a long awaited respite to days of pleasantries. So we watch and wait for those days of fall where we can gather together and enjoy times but even the seasons are becoming the smoldering heat and thoughts sent forth taking our joy and happiness once more with the balmy times of discomfort. I look forth to a sharing of special times with my friends and family making new and cheerful more timely friendships with happiness, joy and laughter. In the Fall Winter and Spring. We must say no to the vise of those who would corrupt our future but we must call to the governments around the world to stand forth with our intentions and remove those congressmen who cheat and lie to preserve the decline of our once beautiful nation for a few bribes to manifest the destiny of incredulous voters that comprehend nothing but listening to foolishness and the portrayers of lies and ill conceit and ill gotten vain. They sit and smoking cigars the corrupt demons of hell. Change is now not and option anymore pushing the cobblestone forward will not work change is now imminent.