
Waste not, want not

It is bad manners to waste or throw

The food that is daily supplied to us

For instead of giving it to the crow

Or while eating it, make a big fuss

Why not give it to a beggar, who’ll find it a big treat

For what’s bread to us, is to them like meat.


How hard do our parents work

To earn the extra bonus they get

So that they may feed us whole-some food

And we may never, hunger, in our lives, let

Is it good then to waste the food they thoughtfully provide

Is it advisable to waste it, since it does not suit our pride?


It may happen that we may be poor when we are old

And cry and regret for not following what was told

Willful waste begets woeful want

So we should all beware

For none would ever like to say

I wish I could get the food, that I once threw away