
Break the chain…

The day is going overcast

Blocking out the sun

I pull my coat around me

To better hide the gun

We all have to pay

For the choices that we make

At the end of the day

There’s a reckoning to make


So you think you can just leave me with a smart remark

Walk away to another man and leave me in the dark

You think that love is transferable, oh honey your so wrong

Your living a real life, not some heroine in some song


My love for you won’t die

With the spilling of your blood

I certainly can’t deny

That I wish it would

We all have to feel the pain

When life changes direction

What did you think you’d gain

By transferring your affection?


Did you really think that loves tethers were so easy to dispel

That you could walk away and all would be turn.out well?

You think you can snap the links, oh baby that’s not true

My hearts in chains and they are all linked right back to you


There’s only one way to break the chain

That’s what I am here for

A single bullet through the brain

A body on the floor

Who’s body that is I cannot know

Until the moments due

But one of us will have to go

And this started with you…