BeWilling ToCha(lle)nge UrBeliefs

The Path to be Taken

There two stood, in a wondrous wood,
Which to take? First bends back to break,
Just one could, guide gently toward good,
All at stake! Life’s true last retake,

Glance at one, sails smoothly toward sun!
Gape at two, tough, treacherous view,..
Flowers that stun! Furry frolicking fun!
Or, on cue, bear tramples undisturbed dew…

Wide and straight, golden gates surely await!
Or tight, not bright, a soul scarcely in sight…
Feels so great, free-flowing toward fate!
Or Rock blocks sight, forcing fierce fight then flight…

Of course we know, which path we should go!
But will we choose? Refuse here to lose?
One way to grow, don’t follow the flow!
Blessed be blues, truths’ hues God imbues.

The one less travel, shan’t unravel,
But are you sure, you can endure?
Lined with no gravel, piercing pounds of the gavel,
Fall not for the lure, take the path less tried yet much truer.