
Why we stay inside on the fourth of July

There\'s fireworks lighting up our hallways
I can see it from my room; from my place under my bed.
Looking through the gap under the locked door
I\'m hiding from the bang and the memories of what comes after. Of what came after
I\'m huddled next to you my pride and joy, hidden under my arms that are ment to keep you safe.

Another goes off and I shut my eyes tight, I hear a muffled \"its going to be okay\" and I can see once more
They stop for thirty minutes after that.
And once we think we\'re safe I hear a boom and all goes silent

All except the cheering from outside
The cries of happy children come from outside. They scream with joy as their parent lift them hight into the midnight sky.
All free, no memories to hide from.

I still hear the bombs from back home.
The cries of newly orphaned children as I hide in the one shelter left in our town
The screams of those not so lucky
So when you ask \"why do you hide on the fourth of July?\"
To hide from the memories we\'ve long since left behind.