
The Elephant in the Room

SMASH, my bottled-up emotions topple off of the shelf

Fears, hopes, and dreams shatter and fall to the floor 

The elephant on my chest looks up at me with annoyance

How dare I interrupt her while she is busy suffocating me 

I decide to try a more subtle tactics 

Anxiety …Anxiety, hey girl do you want some breakfast

She hops off my chest and thunders into the kitchen 

I roll out of bed and cut my feet on the shards

Limping into the kitchen I open the fridge 

For myself I get a cold slice of pizza 

For Anxiety I get social media, self-hatred, and perfectionism 

(Don’t judge her she’s a growing girl) 

She wolfs this down and looks to me for more 

I don\'t have anything left to give her

I open my laptop and begin to study

Trying to get my mind off the elephant in the room

Anxiety doesn\'t like when I don\'t give her attention

She pokes me with her trunk and trumpets loudly

Making it impossible for me to get anything done