
enamel pinĀ 

i lost my favorite pin today 
red and white and black 
it looked like a little R with sunglasses 
i bought it from the graffiti artist named remio a while back
my favorite writer for his little characters
i guess my pin was as impermanent as all his pieces
it sat on the highest strap of my favorite backpack smiling at me 
that strap is completely black and empty now 
like a starless night. void. 
i got an enamel pin today though
one from my girlfriend, a lil Badtz-Maru 
she’s loves Sanrio
it\'s yellow and white and black 
it’s got little annoyed eyes, like mine seeing my missing pin
but i’ve replaced him 
i hope my little penguin doesn’t slip of its strap 
so it won’t live on the back of my backpack
it will live atop the bill of my brown hat
something i more often look at