
Fall (Autumn)

Fall (Autumn)


Life is seasonal.

Giving birth in the Spring.

Blossoming in Summer.

Retiring in the Fall.

Resting in the cold, cold stillness of winter.

Of these, the Autumn years are now my domain.


Trees full grown change their own

chlorophyll leaves to honey, pumpkin, chocolate, and beet.

Colors as bright as the blazing light

that nurtured them through sun-filled

Summer’s sweltering heat.


Trees go bald as leaves fall

but the trees are still standing there.

When the hot humid air departs

the biting chill of Autumn will

give a start to the County Fairs.


Eerily bright on the hallowed night

in costumes and seeking treats

children of all ages 

beneath the full of the moon 

bring joy to Autumn’s streets.


Once green vegetation is now a variegation

Of fields ripe with the crops of the season

This harvest gathering brings family gatherings

around tables of plenty

filled with the voices of reason.


If this be Fall, then all in all

let’s enjoy the foliage, the fairs, and football.