


A smile is quite infectious, You can get it just like flu
Some woman smiled at me, and soon I was smiling broadly too
Then I walked around the corner and some bloke saw me grin
When he smiled back , I knew it had just been passed on to him.

He walked into our local shop, and in a little while,
He gave it to the counter girl, yes, then she began to smile,
She then went to the hairdresser, and gave that smile to him,
And just a minute later, all his clients had that grin.

I thought about this smiling thing, then I thought it might just be able,
To infect all the world\'s politicians, if they all sat around a table,
If they all smiled at one another, and began a world wide grin,
It could maybe stop all kinds of feuds, and war\'s need not begin!

With that point of view in mind keep these smiles and grins directed,
Start a smile and grin pandemic, make sure this whole world is infected,
So pass your smile\'s and grin\'s on readily, don\'t hide them undetected,
Lets infect all this worlds hierarchy and maybe keep our world protected !