
Sickness a Menace

i wake up to this nightmare

The nightmare enraging my sleep

I am trapped in my own fantasy

A self afflicted doom of sickness

The sickness becoming my menace


A cold i encountered

Engulfing my emotions so tight

Not giving me  a room to breathe

My throat so sore and itchy

Trynna utter a word,  but my voice\'s scratchy


I find it difficult and excruciating to sleep

I have to rely on the pills

I see them pills and all they give me are chills

But in order for a splinter of sleep to dawn on me

I have no option but to oblige


I give it a day or two for the flu to pass

I am a wolf and i\'ll get well

Despair and anguish i will dwell

I will draft a sequel not a prequel

Allow me pen down, salute folks

