
Strange Dream.

It was a hard day at work, 

People rushing everywhere 

Needed to get jobs done. 

I was rushing from computer to computer, 

Then I was told I could go. 

Tried to print one last picture 

But it would not happen, 

Then people sat in front of me 

Could not see the screen. 

Tried to turn it off from afar, 

But failed miserably. 

Went to entrance hall to go home, 

So many people there, 

So hard to get to the door, 

Mothers with prams and pushchairs 

All in my way. 

Then I got to my car 

Started driving along the road 

A kangaroo was in my way, 

It jumped over me 

And left a clear wet road. 

So on I went, 

Up a hill where the waters came rushing down. 

I eventually came to the top 

Floating in my car, 

And reached this place, 

This place where I could write these words, 

These words about my dream.