
A Fools Journey of Love

the thought of love brought fear to my heart

even teared me apart & caused  me to depart

especially when i came to the pessimistic epiphanies of love

all i wanted was my heart to be loved

but i gave my heart to the wrong person

and because of this i worsen

and blamed love for it

threw my heart away and split

and seen love as a scandal

the risks of love is not something everyone can handle

especially when the world gives you ambivalence

but fortunately for me i am not ambivalent

and ill be equivalence

and there\'ll be no indifference

fortunately for i came to an epiphany

an epiphany that how can you love when you lost faith

without faith i was  unable to love and fell into wraith

broken in half

to love i need to take the risks for my behalf

if i cant accept my heart then how can i be complete?

with this knowledge ill take the feat

as i know that the fear of suffering is worst then the suffering itself

with this esoteric ill commit