
Under the moonlight

Is it selfish to ask 
If you could lay aside another night
A night under the moonlight
The caress of the winter breeze making me shiver
My flesh creeping yearning to get close to you
with lust stronger than a storm. 
muscles quacking with anticipation of what could happen under the moonlight
Full of desire to have you quench the flames within

 Your intoxicating scent drawing me in
 Body itching to get an inch closer and bask in it You lured me in with your touch. 
My eyes mesmerized by your smile
Driven by longing to have our lips dance under the moonlit sky

You then pulled me close
Leaving me breathless
Leaving no room for a sigh 
only moans of pleasure 
Unimpressed by the thought of liquor
The taste of it on your tongue was of no bother
The sweetness of his lips so addictive dulling my senses
All I wanted then was to savor its taste all night long

The sweet memory of it all stuck on replay in my mind
Driven by longing for more 
I then ask if  you could lay aside another night