
Society Says

Society says go to school and learn
Society says get a job and money to burn
Society says get a mortgage early, be tied into debt
Society says you not got a girlfriend yet?
Society says watching the footy? Wanna place a bet?
Society says you should be a worker bee for life
Society says get married, kids and a wife
Society says work hard and you\'ll be ok
Society says you\'ll get that rise and promotion one day
Society says listen to the evening news every night
Society says the Government always right
Society says it\'s Friday, you not going out tonight?
Society says....hold on a minute who\'s behind this propaganda?
I say stop calling people out who wanna be different
I say people are tired of these views and wanna vent
I say let people live freely not be a slave to debt
I say Council money going into their back pocket
I say it always seems to be people put under profit
I say what\'s that tax money and national insurance going on?
I say power to the people get these clowns on the run