
What’s in my knapsack





……I loosen up the straps and sling it’s contents on the table, no label, it made a enormous sound, things rolling all around; here, hand me that, that’s a lesson I learned from a little spat over a hat, makes me want to rejoice and clap, oh snap, there’s that lesson on spending cash, I shouldn’t have sat in the back of the class, but I learn fast. Look, here’s that conversation I had with my dad, about the church, power and drinking kool aide, then waking up some place else, praying on your knees, like a rat when he eat cheese, look at these.


…..Pick up that dice, a reminder to think twice if I decide to gamble, get a handle. Look-a there, that’s a picture of my cousin Randell, he was killed for his pack of Camels and his pair of sandals, you can be killed for anything life brings your way in a split second of the day. There’s that picture of my first girl, that’s when I use to drink and Earl, then sink in place after some drinks. That’s another picture of me and two other members of our wanted to be franchise, keep your head to the sky, but watch your friends at the same time. I got all kinds of jewels, my knapsack is packed like a frat, swinging bats making cats go scat after a long nap. Look at that round crystal, it’s chiseled, that’s self and all it’s facets, won’t be free until I’m in a casket, glad it ain’t made of plastic, didn’t mean to sound drastic. Push that back over, still looking for closure, somethings I still haven’t gotten over, I know it looks like a toy, but oh boy. See those, they help keep me on my toes, heavens knows, help me to choose the life I chose. That hat belong to my brother, I feel his soul hover, that’s why I sleep under the covers. There’s another, that’s reminiscent of my mother, she was big on love, holidays and keeping your house clean, oh yeah and to impress the dean.