
Storm Stilled

Tune: Marching

(faster tune to \'Father, hear the prayer we offer\')

Luke 8 v.22-25


Jesus and the disciples they

Crossed Lake Galilee one day

They set out, but He was weary

As they sailed became sleepy


Storm of wind on lake descended

They to the boat attended

For it was with water filling

Great jeopardy did it bring


They came to Jesus, did awake

Him, said, Weather change did make

We are perishing, Master, see

Come and help us speedily


He arose, rebuked the raging

Of the waves, and calm did bring

For winds and waves ceased at His word

So disciples were assured


He said to them, Where your faith be?

They wondered, and said, Look, see

What manner of man is this, for

He commands nature too, sure


For even the winds and waves they

Obey His commands, so be

At His word, order when chaos

In the storms He helps e\'en us