
Star struck 🤩

The brightest evening I should say
The same was with daylight
Never a dull moment moment when you are around
Everything in its essence purely bright
The feels Like stars twinkling in my tiny universe.
That I am star struck is quite a delight
The stars Looking out for me
Embracing me with their warmth
As I gaze up from below
I look up with a smile
Everything suites my fancy
It’s enchanting beauty is one I wish to never escape
Never want to be out of reach
That we will never part is a truth that matters
To lose sight of you would land me in despair
For the essence of what is truth I will hold on to you
Seeking the purest of friendship
Longing for an endless love
That you have me in your heart is all that matters
Recounting each moment lived
Bringing to mind memories of great felicity
Leaning on each other for comfort and peace
Making each moment beautiful
That we have each other is all that matters
To Fight through each storm
Fearing nothing except losing each other