glace. 123


I was standing their all alone watching myself slowly die. 

Blood dripping off my face clothes drenched in red. 
I was Set aside from my body, 
My soul was wandering, 
Looking for help ,,,,,, . 
 I realized I am no longer part of my body, 
I am no longer restrictted to the outline of designated shape, 
I am free free from this world\'s unexpected norms, 
I no longer hold the heart of someone, 
I no longer care if it hurts or not, 
I am here for my soul , 
Just here, 
In the moment . 
I no longer hold any responsibility, 
No longer someone\'s daughter, sister or friend. 
No longer feeling of sadness pain or happiness either, 
I am just me , 
the pure me, 
 the one I truely am, 
My whole life ,I have only seen my reflections 
But for the first time i have seen me the way I am. 
Not the one everyone has seen, 
Just the way it is supposed to be felt by me
And only me. 
About the title-limbo, in Roman Catholic theology, the border place between heaven and hell where dwell those souls who, though not condemned to punishment, are deprived of the joy of eternal existence with God in heaven.